Monday, October 25, 2010

Beautiful Monday

Hello. Today is a beautiful monday morning. Bright sun. Lovely weather. So, forget about your Monday Blues. How about some GOOD NEWS like A LOW FAT MOIST CHOCOLATE CAKE. I repeat LOW FAT. Yes, its low fat. Cuz we made the topping from non-dairy cream and not from butter. So, this cake have less fat than the usual ones. So, you can eat more!! And we use chocolate for the cake, melted quality chocolate and not just coco powder. Coco powder............  oh please!! It aint the real thing honey. If the name is 'chocolate cake', better put chocolate in it and not some powder. And, haven't they tell you how healthy chocolate is. Yup, chocolate is gooooood for you. So, indulge, ladies & gentlemen. And kids too ya :-)

Chocolate Roses Cake made with love

More chocolate cake designs coming up in the upcoming post. So, stay tuned. Ta..

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